Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ouch My Knee!! [Part 5] From Joe Shmo to Joe DiMaggio

Knee pain in Zone 4a and 4b could mean a few things but the main thing we want to rule out is a meniscus tear. If you watch ESPN or listen to sports radio I am sure you have heard of a professional athlete be sidelined for months because of this issue. I also want to make it clear that you do not have to be a professional athlete to suffer from a meniscus tear; this can affect everyone from Joe Shmo to Joe DiMaggio.
What is the Meniscus?

The meniscus is the cartilage in the knee that acts as a cushion and a guide for the knee while it bends and straightens. The meniscus is integral for the structure and function of the knee. If you think of the meniscus as both the shocks and the struts of your car, you could imagine how important they are. The meniscus is made up of two C shaped pieces of cartilage that face each other. This creates a deeper surface for the femur (which is the thigh bone) to connect to the tibia (shin bone).

The front and back of the meniscus are delineated into two different sections; therefore there are actually 4 parts of the meniscus that can be damaged. There is the anterior medial meniscus (AMm), posterior medial meniscus (PMm), anterior lateral meniscus (ALm) and the posterior lateral meniscus (PLm). Each one of these parts of the meniscus can be torn or injured. Please note that all drawings of anatomy are incredibly crude and were done by yours truly. Please look up images online if you are confused by my drawings.
What does a meniscus tear feel like?
  • Pain with jumping, running and sometimes walking
  • Possible clicking or popping in the knee when putting weight on the knee
  • Pain feels like stiffness that you can’t shake off
  • Feels like the knee is stuck and won’t unlock
  • Knee sometimes buckles
  • Pain when bending the knee

What causes a meniscus tear?

A meniscus tear is usually caused by more traumatic means such as slipping or getting your foot stuck while performing a cutting maneuver, performing deep heavy squats with improper form, planting the foot while turning the hips at high speeds. More mundane activities could also result in meniscus tears such as, slipping and falling, stepping down a stair incorrectly.

What is another condition that can be confused for a meniscus tear?

  • Patella femoral syndrome (See past posts)
  • Patella tendinitis (See past posts)
  • ACL,MCL,LCL tear (See future posts)

What are some treatments?

Treatment options depend mostly on injury severity. Minor and moderate tears are usually treated with Physical therapy and conservative care. More severe tears could possibly require surgery if physical therapy is ineffective. Please consult with a professional before running to get an MRI or into surgery. Many times physical therapy can help to restore full function without the need for surgery.  

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